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Give Back by Volunteering

Written by The Bryson Blogster | Nov 18, 2021 10:14:15 PM

During this month of giving thanks, people are grateful for family, friends, a home to sleep in and food on our table. At Bryson, we are grateful for so much more (check out our 25 days of thankfulness posts on Facebook). We are especially grateful for our residents who selflessly donate their time to help the less fortunate. In doing so they reap many benefits:

Volunteering is Good for Your Health

Volunteering is about helping others, but studies show volunteers are happy and healthier. A 2020 study published in the Journal of Happiness Studies found that volunteering increased people’s overall satisfaction with their lives as well as lowering incidences of depression and anxiety. This may be because volunteering increases self-confidence and a sense of purpose. Volunteers also report better physical health because volunteering reduces stress associated with high blood pressure and other ailments.

Volunteering is Good for Your Career

Volunteering can set you up for career success. Too get a job in your field, you need experience. To get experience, you need a job. Volunteering can give you that experience because non-profit organizations need people to perform a wide range of tasks. Although you might not get paid, you can list these jobs on your resume. Volunteering also can help you develop skills such as teamwork, communication, problem solving, project planning, task management and organization. Many employers feel that people who volunteer are more well-rounded and empathetic.

Volunteering Keeps You Social

Loneliness has become an epidemic, and many people report having few friends. Being around people who share a common purpose encourages friendships. For the elderly, volunteering gets them out of the house and around people of all ages. People who volunteer together often begin socializing outside of the organization. Knowing that others value you for yourself increases feelings of satisfaction and can encourage you to seek out more friends.

Volunteering Makes a Difference

Child poverty, animal abandonment, homelessness and hunger can seem like insurmountable problems. You may want to help but feel your contribution would be just a drop in the bucket. Volunteering helps you feel that you are making a difference because you are working with others with the same goals. Volunteering allows you to personally connect with the people you wish to help, talk to them and see how your efforts make a difference.

So, How Do You Start?

The key to achieving these benefits is finding a cause you believe in. Here’s a list of local organizations that can use your help. Choose one and reap the rewards.


Hill Country Community Ministries

Operation Liberty Hill

Opportunities for Williamson & Burnet Counties

Leander ISD Educational Excellence Foundation

Baker Sanctuary

Equine Rehabilitation Central Texas

Texas Humane Heroes

Cedar Park

Reveal Resource Center

Twin Lakes Family YMCA & Camp Twin Lakes

The Dog Alliance

Samaritan Health Ministries

Austin Steam Train Association 


Habitat for Humanity of Williamson County

The Salvation Army

CASA of Williamson County

Williamson County Regional Animal Shelter

Kindred Hospice

Lone Star Circle of Care